Farmer Wants a Healthy Life
Farmer Wants a Healthy Life
Attitude is Everything
In this episode we hear from Lyall McClure, Natimuk local who has not let close calls with death stop him. Lyall shares his four close calls with death and how he has moved forward with his life after. He also shares how he keeps a smile on his face and joy for life.
Interested in the topic and looking for more?
In the episode Lyall mentioned one of his close calls was a heart attack, but what exactly is a heart attack? Check out the information here to find out.
Had a heart attack or have another type of heart condition you can find information on living with it here.
Are you worried about your heart? You can find tips about looking after your heart in a variety of ways including:
Healthy eating to protect your heart
Keeping your heart healthy
Physical activity and your heart
You can also listen to our episode ‘Heart Hiccups’ for another experience of having a heart attack.
Lyall also mentioned that he is currently trying to quit smoking. Are you trying to do the same? Thinking about doing the same? Or supporting someone to quit? Visit QUIT for lots of help information on how or call 13 7848 for support.
Lyall has been through a lot, but has managed to keep a positive state of mind. But it is ok to reach out for support if you go through similar and need it. You can find help and support at:
Rural Outreach program which you can reach at 1300 688 732. You can also hear more about this program in the episode 'From Footy Coach to Rural Outreach Worker'.
Beyond Blue– The leading Australian mental health support organisation. Phone: 1300 22 4636 or webchat.
Are you bogged mate?– A program helping country blokes talk about mental health.
Join the conversation
Facebook: @FarmerWantsaHealthyLife Twitter: @_FWAHL
Facebook: @FarmerWantsaHealthyLife Twitter: @_FWAHL
This is a West Wimmera Health Service podcast. Presented by me, Brigitte Muir.
This series focuses around stories and issues related to health and wellbeing. Some of the people we hear from are sharing their stories, hoping that their experiences will help us with our own health and wellbeing. Please be aware that some of their life experiences may touch on issues that are sensitive to some. Please listen with care. You will find information on seeking help if you need it in the notes attached to each episode.
Some people might have a close call, a close call with death and become very wary of doing anything at all. Lyall McClure, former Arapiles farmer and veteran’s local volunteer had not one, but four close encounters with death.
Well…The first one was when I was sixteen…stupid… I was at Mitre mucking around, and I didn't look when I drove across the road and a semi-trailer just missed me. I went through the back of a semi-trailer, and was another ute behind it, and I missed it too.
Well, I was lucky
It certainly was.
What about the second close call?
Second close call… was 23rd of August 1997. I had a massive heart attack. I was told never to work again, go home and lie on the couch for the rest of your life.
And Lyall couldn't do that, could he? Took me three years to get over it. Then I… started getting… bored. So I started finding me self something to do, and I was talking to Lynntte [unintelligible] one day at football and she said… she said to me, she said ‘Could I secretor the club then?’ They haven't got anything to do out there. Oh, then I'll try yah, one day a week. And then after a period of time that she knew that she could trust me, it was two days a week and then I got to three days a week, and then I got to four days a week.
So what were you doing during those days?
I was just doing a bit of fencing, odd jobs around the place for her…
Out on the farm?
Yeah, it was farm work. I didn't, I didn’t overcharge and because I wasn't fit enough to overcharge
Okay, so you eased back into work because you were too bored to stay at home
Yeah I eased back in there …and when the boys grew up, I thought I got, well I did get the flick… well I was sort of worn down a fair bit. Then I… got into cutting wood, not as much as what I do now, but I started cleaning the police station, the school…anything else, doing the handyman’s job in town. And after a while… after about five years of that, I thought ‘hang on I’m working harder than what I was on the farm’. So I was working virtually seven days a week. What else did I do? Well then I started cleaning the police station. The irony of that is, I went and drove past him one day, he come out and stop me and said ‘are you Lyall McClure?’ And I said ‘yeah I’m Lyall’. ‘Well…’, he said ‘would you do the house cleaning?’ So I had things going on in me life, and I said ‘no I don't like you buggers and I drove off and left him standing there
‘Oh’ he said, ‘well what in the hell do I do?’, so I didn't know any more. About another three weeks later, I drove past again, he steps out again. And he said ‘I can't find anyone will you do it?’ I said ‘I'll give it a go. We'll see how it goes’. And then we come… pretty good friends. And you know I've got a lot of work there. So it worked out.
Okay, so you had a heart attack? Did you change anything in your life to
Not really
… did you learn anything?
No, I just went for it
You just went for it.
Cause… cause why they were so concerned all I've got today…I've only got 33% of my heart that works. The rest is gone, dead.
And you're amazing. You're doing stuff all the time.
Yeah I don’t stop. I get tired but I don't stop
Do you stop when you're tired?
Can I ask you how old you are?
70… and I, I’m feeling the sense I’ve had my last hiccup. I’m…I get tired a bit more quick and I just can’t be bothered
Right…we've talked about two of your close calls.
What was number three?
Number three was 2010 I had a…a light stroke… and that buggered me for about three months. But I didn't stop work. I never stopped.
Mind over matter
That’s all it is. If you're gonna stay home and sulk… you’ll never do any good. Some people can't by god is…They can't get over that. That’s a …it's a big thing. But I'm pretty bullheaded … and I gotta keep going, if you don’t keep going you die.
Which brings us to number four… close call
Number four… it was massive, it was a complete brain haemorrhage, I was in a coma for 10 days, ICU for ICU for 10 days… in Melbourne for…oh….till another month. And they said to Helen, when I was down there… she said what happens if he comes out of it not real good? And luckily me son and me daughter was there with Helen… and they said, well, he’s always said, don't let him come out alive. Because I said I don't want to be a hindrance or burden… And I don't want to be one of these, can’t do nothing, not that I’d know but… nah, I’ve come out of it and everybody says it's amazing. It's not because I’ve Got one thing, a lot of people haven’t, I've got an amazing fight and will and that's all that matters to me.
It certainly has helped you
I’ve got… well whether it has or hasn't I'm convinced that He’s with me everyday. I'm happy. I don't push my religion down anybody else, but unwillingly talk about it. Everybody's got their own thing …and in different ways.
That's your secret power.
I think it is. Yeah I am convinced it is. He’s with me everyday.
Last time you delivered wood…we were talking about your close calls, and you told me that you were not afraid of death.
No, definitely not because I know where I'm going…I’ll be with the Lord, with my Lord. And that's all that matters to me. That’s how strong my faith is.
What… else would you like to share with people about health and… attitude towards life?
Don’t do what I do. Because I'm the biggest rodent that walked on two legs, but I don't give in. Don't give in, treat every day as you’ve got nothin’ least you can have a go.
What does Helen think about your way of looking at life?
Oh she gets a bit annoyed… with me. Because… I'm not, I shouldn’t do this and I shouldn't do that. Especially what I'm doing at the moment, but I'm trying my best to give it away.
You’re talking about chopping wood?
Ah Smoking, right? Okay.
I've got to give that away. It’s just…nearly impossible, but I will
I like your attitude
Yeah… I…well what’s the point in not having that. I can't really see… stay home and die. Cause’ that's what… Cause if I wasn’t doing what I was doing I would be dead
Today you have delivered wood and you gonna go and do some more woods. When do you know when to stop?
When I ain’t got nothing to sell
Not when you die.
Ah no…*chuckles* Ah well I’ll definitely stop. Well….
Do you stop when you're hungry?
I'll give ya…I’ll give ya an incident, like I don’t know why… [indiscernible] Lutheran Horsham in Horsham right? And Hel…Helen had organised loads. So me brother-in-law and a friend came out, and I said to em’ you gotta take me… no you sit there, so I sat there and I like watching, and I said ‘Bust this… I want to save money coordination is right’. So I went and jumped on me bobcat. I never lost a thing.
This was after your last… close call?
Yeah that was… that was some three days after I got outta hospital.
You're not wasting any time
No I wanted to know if I… I had all my coordination.
You are an inspiration as far as… keeping going… believing that you can do it…mostly looking after yourself.
I do, I do a bit more now. But gottta be fit. You gotta keep going because as soon as you stop being fit, you stop and die.
And I'd say that your job certainly keeps you fit.
Your looking very…
I don't …I mean I don't do … carting woods not as… keeping us fit, but after I come out of hospital which… which was about middle of May last… last 2021 I think of what it was, and then August I went and cut 40 ton of wood.
Crikey Jingle
And I split 40 ton. That did knock me around a fair bit. I'm still just getting over it. But
I'm happy.
That's great. Maybe its time for a holiday Lyall
Oh, I’ve had three weeks off.
*Chuckles* Next year I’m going…we’re going away for six weeks.
I haven’t… I haven’t been on a trip up north… for about four years now. So we're heading off next year.
Anything else you would like to share with people who are getting older and are worrying about getting sick and…
Getting older and sillier, I think. Otherwise I’m…nah look I’m happy I'm just blessed when on wake up every day… get that foot out of bed and I’m off. Well, I used to be up… I was just talking to someone the other day… those really bad frosts we had, I used to be up at Tilpanga [unconfirmed], jumping up and down to keep me self warm. I can't be bothered this year. If it's frosty outside, you won't get me out, outta the house before half past 9 now.
You must be getting old. *chuckles*
*Chuckles Thank you *Chuckles*
Or wise. Or both.
Nah I never get wise. I just enjoy life.
And that's what it's all about is it.
I enjoy every day that I can walk out and do something.
That's beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing all that with me Lyall, I really appreciate you stopping working… for 15 minutes.
Yeah…That’s ok…You're welcome.
That was Lyall McClure former farmer now living in Natimuk.
You will find as always contact numbers and details, in the notes attached to this episode. And while you're at it, please give us a star rating. We'd also love to hear your comments and suggestions. Our Facebook and Twitter details are in the notes. Until next have a healthy life won’t you.
Transcribed by https://otter.aiedited by the WWHS Health Promotion Team.