Farmer Wants a Healthy Life
Jam packed with stories from people that understand the farming life with a story to tell. From new farmers and the old hands, rural community locals, doctors and more. People that understand the farming life with a story to tell. Hosted by Brigitte Muir. The Farmer Wants a Healthy Life podcast series are stories of looking after you, whilst on the farm. The choices you make can change your life; hear it from those that have done it. West Wimmera Health Service created this series with the support of representatives from:• Grain Producers Australia• Grains Research & Development Corporation• National Centre for Farmer Health• Nhill & District Young Farmers• Rural Outreach Program• Southern Mallee Landcare Network• Victorian Farmers Federation•West Wimmera Health Service’s Allied Health Department• Wimmera Hearing Society
39 episodes
More to Me than Farming
In this episode we hear from Nick Blandford about the impact self-worth has had on his life. He shares what a community program helped him realise about himself and being a farmer. He also talks about what supports are out there for farmers now...
Season 4
Episode 10

Land and People Working Together
In this episode we hear from Mary Johnson on working with, rather than on, the land. Mary shares her experiences of growing up on the farm and how she has developed a strong connection to the land. She also talks about the benefits of working t...
Season 4
Episode 9

The Gambling Rollercoaster
In this episode we hear from Jan Brunswick about how her partner’s gambling affected her. Jan shares how she tried to help and the reasons she stayed as long as she did. She also shares why she left them for good and how she helps others in the...
Season 4
Episode 8

The Outback Mind
In this episode we hear from Aaron Schultz on his journey to better health for himself and men in the country. Aaron shares how alcohol, anxiety and exercise have shaped his life. He also shares what made him start The Outback Mind and his hope...
Season 4
Episode 7

Child Safe Farms
In this episode we hear from Jessie Adams from the National Centre for Farmer Health. Jessie shares how she is working toward making farms safer for children. She shares her top tips for what you can do now, and programs currently running. ...
Season 4
Episode 6

At Home in the Garden
In this episode we hear from Anna Johansson on her experience of being a Swedish woman on an Aussie farm. Anna shares her joy of growing and eating her own food. She also shares how she finds happiness outside of the money-making rat race. ...
Season 4
Episode 5

Farmer's Best Friend
In this episode we hear from Kelly Barnes about what led her to start the Mates Dog School. Kelly shares her passion for her dogs and how they have helped her mental health, and how she uses it to help others. She also talks about the way we as...
Season 4
Episode 4

Tell Your Story Once
In this episode we hear from Mandy Noble, a Service System Navigator with The Orange Door Horsham. Mandy talks about what The Orange Door is and how it came about. She also talks about Family Violence and its different forms. In an ...
Season 4
Episode 3

Moving Marnoo
In this episode we hear from Tania Walter about how she is helping farmers to be more active in Marnoo. She shares her passion for running the group and the joy it brings to her and others that come. She also talks about how her and her husband...
Season 4
Episode 2

Out of the Tunnel of Grief
In this episode we hear from Margaret Millington about the impact death has had on her life. She shares the lessons she has learnt from losing people she loves, and the need to be aware of dangers. She also talks about what brought her to the W...
Season 4
Episode 1

Attitude is Everything
In this episode we hear from Lyall McClure, Natimuk local who has not let close calls with death stop him. Lyall shares his four close calls with death and how he has moved forward with his life after. He also shares how he keeps a smile on his...
Season 3
Episode 10

The Ins and Outs of Stress
In this episode, West Wimmera Health Service's own Leanne Yew talks about stress. Leanne is WWHS's lead social worker. She shares her knowledge on stress, our responses to it and how long term stress can affect us. She also share her tips for m...
Season 3
Episode 9

Living Your Best Life with Pain
In this episode we hear from Gary Smith on his experience living with chronic pain. Gary shares how pain effects his everyday life and how he copes. He also shares how his passion for his animals helps him deal with the pain and live his life.<...
Season 3
Episode 8

Being True to You
In this episode we hear from Leigh Dwyer, farmer, long time CFA volunteer and trans woman. Leigh shares her story and how she has come to accept all parts of herself. She also talks about her experiences since transitioning.Interested...
Season 3
Episode 7

The Hidden Harm
In this episode we hear from John Bradshaw about gambling. He shares his knowledge about the harm it can cause, tips for stopping and services available to help you. He also talks about the sessions he provides for kids on gambling and how it i...
Season 3
Episode 6

Farming Through Change
In this episode we hear from farmer David Drage about how climate change affects farmers. David shares what he is doing to adapt to climate change and what help is available. He also shares what he is doing as part of Adapt Grampians....
Season 3
Episode 5

The Wimmera Pride Project
In this episode we hear from Patrick Quiane about the Wimmera Pride Project. Patrick shares his knowledge about the LGBTI+ community, and some of their struggles. He also shares how being queer in a small town can be different to the city. He a...
Season 3
Episode 4

Not Worth the Gamble
In this episode we hear from Dan Irwin, about his experience with gambling. Dan shares how he become addicted to gambling and how it affected him and his family. He also shares what made him quit and how he helps others to do so now.If y...
Season 3
Episode 3

Understanding Chronic Pain
In this episode we hear from David Manning and Ben Weissner, who talk all things chronic pain. They share the ways they are working to help people with chronic pain to recover and function well. They also share a few tips for pain management.
Season 3
Episode 2

Women Thriving on Farm
In this first episode of season three, we hear from some of the attendees of the recent Gather Grow and Thrive event. They share their experiences of being a woman on a farm and how it has changed over time. They also talk about the importance ...
Season 3
Episode 1

Help Close to Home
In this last episode of series two we have tried something a little different. Through the interviews we noticed some themes about the role of family and friends and the benefit of making access to health support easier. You will he...
Season 2
Episode 10

Health Quiz at Field Days
In this episode, West Wimmera Health Services own Trish Heinrich shares how she helps farmers at field days with on the spot health’ checks. Trish is a WWHS nurse, who also works for and trained by the National Centre for Farmer Health in Agris...
Season 2
Episode 9

The Audited - Safety from the Dining Room Table
In this episode we hear from Jason Mellings on his experience of having a VFF Making Our Farms Safer safety audit done. He shares what made him decide to get the audit done and what he has learnt from it. He also talks about the impact of bully...
Season 2
Episode 8

Saving Your Skin
In this episode Dr David Lester talks to us about all things skin related. He shares his knowledge on checking our skin and what we need to look out for. He also discusses skin cancer, sun protection and the importance of vitamin D.
Season 2
Episode 7

Alone, but not Lonely
In this episode we hear from Corinne Heintze, a farmer and Yarriambiack councillor. She shares what keeps her happy and healthy, and her tips for others to do the same. She also talks about her spirituality and how she takes part in her communi...
Season 2
Episode 6