Farmer Wants a Healthy Life

Alone, but not Lonely

Season 2 Episode 6
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00:00 | 16:19

In this episode we hear from Corinne Heintze, a farmer and Yarriambiack councillor. She shares what keeps her happy and healthy, and her tips for others to do the same. She also talks about her spirituality and how she takes part in her community, and why.

Interested in the topic and looking for more?

Throughout the episode Corinne talks about some of her important relationships. She also talks about how she has come to understand how talking to others helps her mental health. The You Got this Mate Program loads of tips on staying connected to others. 

Corinne mentioned in the episode volunteering bring her a lot of joy and helps her community. Interested in volunteering, but not sure where to start? 

  • Volunteering Victoria lists a range of platforms you can search for opportunities on
  • Centre for Participation has a number of opportunities across the Wimmera
  • You could also volunteer as part of a local service club, sport club  or community group

Your local council can also be a great way to volunteer. Find out what opportunities are available at the four local Wimmera Shires here:

Has Corinne inspired you to get involved with your local council? Find out how to become a councillor like Corinne here:

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